Arriving In Spain – the work begins

Yesterday was a bit of a planes trains and automobiles type of day. Traveling from Washington DC to Zürich and then driving to Milan was very long long day. After arriving in belong, I took a flight to Madrid my ultimate destination. Arriving late at the airport I picked up the car and headed for the hotel. Needless to say, dinner and finally getting to bed didn’t occur until very late.

So why am I in Spain? The answer is to meet a man about a pig. Or should I say to understand how the best ham and salami or chorizo is made.  This trip is about documenting what good food and wine really looks like. My plan is to meet with producers while I refine my video, audio, and photography so I can truly express what good quality and taste are and how artisans achieve it.   I hope you enjoy my posts. 

It was

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