Getting ready for the final 21km

Up at 630 this morning. Everybody else was asleep, so I decided to make some coffee. Staying at a pension with Martin and a Spanish woman that we met three days ago.

It’s interesting how people along the Camino, make a business out of the people walking the Camino. The pension is an old apartment, very well-kept, but is basically a two bedroom apartment where they turn the living room into another bedroom.

Because the pension is on, they have a lot of American staying here. The kitchen has an American style coffee maker.



What is interesting is that we receive no bill. It is a cash business. From the Spanish woman staying here, for every 100 coffee’s she sells, she declares 10 for tax purposes. It is what one has to do when the economy is so bad.

So now we have a a bit of sun and now must go…


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