Reflections on my Camino – Dum Pater Familias

“Dum Pater Familias” is an Old Roman Chant sung by pilgrims on the Camino del Santiago. The chant was written 12th Century and is found in Codex Calixtinus, the earliest known guide for Pilgrims. I had this on my iPhone and enjoyed a couple of chances to sit in a church and reflect on the music via headphones.   The version I’ve added to this post is in the Mozarabic chant style.

Translation of the Chant:
“God, Father of all mankind, King, ruler of the world
Gave to his apostles dear,
lands, each to their own just care
James in his own land of Spain,
Shines out with a holy flame
First [to be martyred] amongst Apostles now!
Martyred at Jerusalem!
James became the holiest
by illustrious martyrdom!
Lo! James’s Galicia calls out for our pious toil,
Marching on the holy way, road over her glorious soil.
Blending all our prayers in one harmony of endless song:
To Lord St James! To God’s St James!
And Onward! And Upward! God speed our way!”

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